Anticlea suddenly, and tragically passed away. She went to be with her gods in he heavens above. Although we miss her dearly and will mourn her until the day we die all we can do is hope she is safe in heaven and will someday rejoin her son again. At a very young age and born into the Autolycus family Laertes had lived a wealthy and well life. Anticlea has passed on by the tragic life-taking scenario of suicide. Lovingly remembered by her husband, her mother and her father, also her Daughter in law Penelope, Penelope’s son and Anticlea’s grandson Telemachus and possibly her courageous and handsome son Odysseus. As written in the suicide note found on the dresser “I could no longer bare to think and grieve over the worst circumstances that could have happened to my son. I miss him dearly and can no longer bare to suffer for I must take my own life to end this misery” As we all hope the men lead by captain Odysseus will return someday on behalf of the families of the people and on behalf of Anticlea Laertes may she rest in peace forever and always.
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