Birth Announcement of Telemachus

Birth Announcement

Bottles and booties, diapers and pins,
This is where the love begins!

We are delighted to announce
The birth of our son
Monday, October 10th 1194 B.C. 11:12 P.M.
11 Pounds 22 Inches

Proud Parents
Odysseus and Penelope

A note from Odysseus

It was a very tragic and upsetting scenario to leave my friends and family. Especially my newly born son Telemachus, he was beautiful, strong, and as soon as I had seen him for the first time one tear had came from my eye it was the tear of love. I was crying like Telemachus when he came out of the womb. I loved him and my beautiful wife. Leaving was one of the hardest things a man can do, even a strong man like me. When I saw the look of happiness that had appeared on my moms face when Telemachus was born, but then the sorrow that crossed her face when I had told her I was leaving was to much to bear.  A man can only do so much for his family and even though I love them they will always have that memory. I did what I had to do and went to war; I’m one of the strongest warriors and had to go to battle. I love you Telemachus and I love you Penelope.

See you soon,

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